Coonabarabran Public School

Strive to Achieve

Telephone02 6842 1771


The Canteen

Coonabarabran Public School Canteen is a non-profit organisation run by P&C.  The Canteen is open five days a week from 8:30am to 1:15pm.

Recess is from 11:00am to 11:20am and any foods on the menu (with the exception of treat food, eg, icy poles) can be ordered for pick up at 11:00am.  There is always a selection of foods on offer for purchase at that time if the children want to come and buy.

Lunch is at 12:45pm and all food required at that time is to be ordered in the morning before 9:30am and payment is to be made with the order.  Icy pole or treat time is from 1:00pm to 1:15pm.

The Public School Canteen follows the guidelines of a ‘fresh food canteen'.  The fresh foods program categorises food into GREEN (fill the menu), AMBER (select carefully), and RED (sell occasionally) segments, corresponding to their nutritional value.  The Canteen takes into account children with food allergies and special food needs.  We stock a gluten free range and egg free products.  Canteen doesn't stock any peanut products.  When we are made aware of any children with allergies we monitor their food to meet their needs.

The Canteen provides a set menu which runs for the school year.  We also have weekly specials which are advertised in the school newsletter and on our noticeboard.  These specials change with the different seasons.

The Canteen tries to cook/make most foods in the Canteen.  Volunteers are always welcome and are needed to help with food making so we can keep the costs down.  Please feel free to come into the Canteen and check out our services and lend us a hand.  We are always looking for help to make cakes, muffins, jellies and cut up strawberry or watermelon.

The Canteen follows the Food Standards Code for Food Safety.  Volunteers are not covered by Worker's Compensation but the P&C has an insurance policy that covers all our adult volunteers.  The policy does not cover students or children.


Canteen Menu Term 3






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